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Strength Boss Blog

Training, nutrition, and elite athlete performance tips from entrepreneur Sarah Walls.

Filtering by Category: Food

Engineering the Perfect Cheat Meal

Sarah Walls

I’ve been sharing a lot about my training progress and a little bit about my diet. But, I want to share something that has been working wonders for both my diet compliance and my progress: the Cheat Meal.

Oh, the glorious cheat meal. It really is a wondrous thing. To the uninitiated, here’s the lowdown:

What is a cheat meal?

It’s a damn break from the monotony! It is the one meal per week that you get to eat whatever you want. 

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Get Rid of Artificial Sweeteners! My #1 Diet "Secret"

Sarah Walls

Artificial sweeteners are BAD. Very, very bad. But, I continued to consume them long after I knew that. Why? I guess because I like sweet stuff. 

But, when you are pregnant and understand that everything that passes through you, also passes through that developing fetus you start to make some changes for the better!

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The Cake Principle for Body Composition Goals

Sarah Walls

The other day I was thinking about how simple the keys to weight loss and body comp changes actually are, but how confusing the simplicity is for people to really understand and trust. 

There is so much great information already in existence from almost endless sources, but sometimes even the most simple information can get lost in translation.

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Hot Chocolate with Coconut Milk

Sarah Walls

I'm a big fan of hot drinks. Well, let's say coffee. Yes, I'm a BIG fan of coffee. But everyone so often I get a hankering for something else. My seasonal go-to is that magical Gluhwein (Glow Wine) that Trader Joe's sells during the months of November and December. But that's usually not available or appropriate to drink in the middle of the day.

So, when I've tapped out on coffee for the day, what else is available?

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