Meet Prep: Cycle 1 Results
Sarah Walls
I'm training to compete in a powerlifting meet at the end of October. It's been awhile, about 5-years. To get caught up, here is the first post I wrote before starting my training. I'm now 10-weeks in and just completed my first cycle. This is the update:
I'll be honest, I was nervous about how my progress would come along as I started this first training cycle. For good or bad, a fair bit of who I identify myself as is wrapped up in the word "strong." Physical and mental strength are both very important to me.
The idea that I wouldn't be able to build strength with the same focus and intensity I remember was worrisome. It has been so many years - and these years were punctuated constantly by high stress situations from my young family, my young businesses, and my young employees.
In these 5-years, the structure of my life has changed to something completely different. Forcing me to ask myself: can I do this?
Cycle #1
The first week or so was pretty tough. At times, I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. I had a lot of high volume work that I expected to grind me down quite a bit. Fortunately, my work capacity is/was high from all the years of running and this was my saving grace! Otherwise, the transition into the program would have been absolutely brutal (at least for more than a week).
After the first 3-weeks I felt like I found my groove and since then my training has been going fantastic. I feel like an actual superhero.
Bodyweight start: 161 ---> Goal weight: 153 (and then maintain at 151-153 until the meet)
Actual: I'm down to 153 - so this was an 8lb drop of body fat. It's been a slow and steady burn during the 8-weeks it took to get there. Why is that significant? Because it means that weight is GONE. It's not water weight. That's actual fat.
The slow and steady part is also very important because I needed to be getting strong during this first cycle... not JUST dropping fat. And I did get stronger:
Squat: I didn't set a goal for squat - I was planning on just doing a push/pull meet. But, training has been going so well that I contacted the meet director a few weeks ago to get put into the full power meet. I've made some great progress with my form, but need a whole lot more practice.
I got this after two failed attempts. From the videos of the fails, it was clear the bar path was not efficient. So, I was intent on fixing that and getting this weight up!
Bench Press beginning max: 120 ---> after Cycle #1: 140 (+20lbs)
I was so excited/surprised to have gotten 135 on the previous set that I didn't even try to pause this one. I'll be working on that.
Deadlift beginning max: 220 ---> after Cycle #1: 245 (+25lbs)
I came forward a bit on the ascent which is why I end up taking so long at the top to make sure I get my hips locked out.
I'm taking another light week this week and will hit my next cycle beginning on Sunday. I'm looking forward to maintaining my body weight and focusing even more intently on strength gains.
It's hard to express how important jumping into this has been for me. I'm learning that while life is different than it used to be, I am capable of adjusting and still making great progress in suboptimal situations. It's also really nice to come back to the sport with a different perspective and understanding of what will make me successful.
For this meet, I already feel I've succeeded. I had to kick a few demons in the teeth that were holding me back just to get started. That to me is huge and worth more than any squat, bench, or dead ever could.
My meet is October 29th.