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Strength Boss Blog

Training, nutrition, and elite athlete performance tips from entrepreneur Sarah Walls.

Filtering by Tag: (wo)man enough

Training Update

Sarah Walls

Here is the current wave I'm on in the weight room. I'm also 3-weeks into a 5-10k training plan. So that consists of 7 x 35min E pace for the week.

My main purpose for this strength training wave is to continue to support my running. The winter was tough and I was uncharacteristically inconsistent with my runs. So, I'm taking myself through the often recommended 6-week base building (or really injury prevention) phase prior to starting the more intense training. 

With that said, the actual lifts I'm doing are pretty legit, although I've scaled back a touch from my winter waves. So, far I've felt great. The more frequently I am able to get out on the trail the better my legs feel.

I actually changed my foot strike about a month ago and am loving it: I went from a mid-foot strike with no heel drop to a mid-food strike WITH a heel drop. I've found it makes an incredible difference for my calves and plantar fascia.

Anyway. This is what my training consists of. Will be getting a new wave soon. Still loving my overhead squat. BOOM.

Money Does Not Equal Success

Sarah Walls

As the mother of two young children, I try to really tune-in and listen when parents of teenagers or young adults dole out advice. They've been there and done that, so please, I'm ALL ears, give me your wisdom! 

For one thing, they all say the same things: it will go by fast, enjoy the time when they're young. I've NEVER heard a parent tell me: you should definitely work as much as humanly possible because your children take forever to grow up and you really won't miss a thing. Seriously, have you ever heard that? 

And yet so many of "us" as entrepreneurial, business owning parents

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