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Strength Boss Blog

Training, nutrition, and elite athlete performance tips from entrepreneur Sarah Walls.

20-rep Squat Challenge

Sarah Walls

Right before Christmas, I completed 6-weeks of the 20-rep squat program. Have you heard of it? I had not, but I completed it and lived to tell.

Give it a go if you think you've got the intestinal fortitude to make it through. On the last week I actually had nightmares about the next session.

Here's how you set it up for yourself:

Determine your 5RM - this will be your finishing weight at the end of 6-weeks. Yes, what is currently your 5RM you will squat 20 times. I did it, I know it works.

Whatever that number is, work backward 5 or 10lbs per session. You will squat 3x/week for 6-weeks.

Here were my numbers: 5RM = 155 (but, I stubbornly started at 165)

Week 1: Day 1: 80, Day 2: 85, Day 3: 90

Week 2: 95, 100, 105

Week 3: 110, 115, 120

Week 4: 125, 130, 135

Week 5: 140, 145, 150

Week 6: 155, 160, 165 ***I got 155 for 20 reps, skipped 160, tried 165 and managed 12 reps

The result was a 30-lb squat PR - not bad for 6-weeks of work.

The video of 155 was painful to watch and super slow. Check out my instagram for videos of my progress.