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Strength Boss Blog

Training, nutrition, and elite athlete performance tips from entrepreneur Sarah Walls.

12/10/15 Training Log

Sarah Walls

KB Swing 5x10

A1 Partial Turkish Get-up (to bridge) 3x5/side

A2 Hanging Knee Raise 3x5

1-Arm KB Swing Ladder x10ea L/R, x15ea L/R, x20ea L/R - twice through

B1 Partial Turkish Get-up (from 1/2 Kneeling to Stand) 3x5/side

B2 Goblet Squat 3x:20

Hand-to-Hand Swing x10, x20, x10, x20, x10 (1:1 work:rest)

Ouch. After 2-days of StrongFirst.

Ouch. After 2-days of StrongFirst.